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Company pension scheme

Company pension scheme

Company pension scheme

Company pension scheme

On this page, you will find all the information about company pension schemes that will help you secure your financial future. First, you will learn how pension provision in Germany is based on the three-pillar model, which includes public-law compulsory systems, company pension schemes, and private pension options. This structure is crucial to ensure good financial security in old age.

Many people wonder why the state pension is not sufficient to maintain their accustomed standard of living in old age. We explain why the pay-as-you-go system is under pressure and why it is so important to take additional measures early to close the pension gap.

In addition, we show how inflation affects your purchasing power in old age and how you can design your pension provision to be protected against inflation through smart investments.

A central part of our information is the company pension scheme itself. We explain what company pension schemes are, the different forms they take, and how you can provide for your future through a direct insurance policy or other models. The financial and tax advantages of company pension schemes, including state subsidies and employer contributions, are described in detail so that you can fully understand the attractiveness of this pension option.

Of course, we also consider the disadvantages of company pension schemes and how you can maximize your returns by choosing net tariffs and cost-effective funds. Another important topic is how to take out a company pension scheme, what happens to your pension provision when you change jobs, and the options available to you at retirement age, including the decision between a lump sum payment and an annuity.

Want to know how large your pension gap is? Use the Pension Gap Calculator.

Let's go!

On this page, you will find all the information about company pension schemes that will help you secure your financial future. First, you will learn how pension provision in Germany is based on the three-pillar model, which includes public-law compulsory systems, company pension schemes, and private pension options. This structure is crucial to ensure good financial security in old age.

Many people wonder why the state pension is not sufficient to maintain their accustomed standard of living in old age. We explain why the pay-as-you-go system is under pressure and why it is so important to take additional measures early to close the pension gap.

In addition, we show how inflation affects your purchasing power in old age and how you can design your pension provision to be protected against inflation through smart investments.

A central part of our information is the company pension scheme itself. We explain what company pension schemes are, the different forms they take, and how you can provide for your future through a direct insurance policy or other models. The financial and tax advantages of company pension schemes, including state subsidies and employer contributions, are described in detail so that you can fully understand the attractiveness of this pension option.

Of course, we also consider the disadvantages of company pension schemes and how you can maximize your returns by choosing net tariffs and cost-effective funds. Another important topic is how to take out a company pension scheme, what happens to your pension provision when you change jobs, and the options available to you at retirement age, including the decision between a lump sum payment and an annuity.

Want to know how large your pension gap is? Use the Pension Gap Calculator.

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For employees

For companies

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DYNO macht es Unternehmen leicht, ihren Mitarbeitern die Altersversorgung zu bieten, die sie verdienen.

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DYNO macht es Unternehmen leicht, ihren Mitarbeitern die Altersversorgung zu bieten, die sie verdienen.

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DYNO macht es Unternehmen leicht, ihren Mitarbeitern die Altersversorgung zu bieten,
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