Betriebliche Altersvorsorge die sich lohnt.
Set yourself on the right track, right from the start with a retirement account that uses low-cost mutual funds and rebalances automatically.
Set up your sepira
Betriebliche Altersvorsorge die sich lohnt.
SEP stands for Simplified Employee Pension. SEP IRAs are popular retirement accounts for self-employed individuals and other small business owners.
Contribute up to $69,000
Add money when it’s convenient—up to 25% of your annual compensation, capped at $66,000 for 2023 and $69,000 for 2024.
Help offset your income taxes
Your contributions are tax-deductible so you can reduce your tax liability for the year you contribute.
Shorten your to-do list
They require minimal paperwork, minimal administrative tasks, and no annual DOL reporting requirements.
Sanvy Islam
Ux & web designer
"Mit DYNO muss ich mir keine Sorgen mehr um meine Rente machen. Dank ETFs und provisionsfreier Produkte kann ich sicher in die Zukunft blicken. Kein anderer Anbieter bietet eine so umfassende Übersicht und Flexibilität wie das Rentencockpit von DYNO."
Want to compare a SEP IRA and 401(k)?
See our side-by-side comparison
Betriebliche Altersvorsorge die sich lohnt.
Contribute up to $69,000
Add money when it’s convenient—up to 25% of your annual compensation, capped at $66,000 for 2023 and $69,000 for 2024.
Help offset your income taxes
Your contributions are tax-deductible so you can reduce your tax liability for the year you contribute.
Shorten your to-do list
They require minimal paperwork, minimal administrative tasks, and no annual DOL reporting requirements.
If you are an employer, each employee, including yourself, is charged the same base and account fees. We don’t charge employers a separate fee for opening or funding a SEP IRA.
Set up your account in minutes, then use our tools, expertise and support to create your roadmap to retirement.
Investment portfolio recommendations
Comprehensive Help Center articles
Live support via phone or email
Set up your sepira